" The Past does Not equal the Future, unless you live there "
... Tony Robbins
" Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny "
... C.S. Lewis
" One of the most courageous things you can do is to get out of bed and face another day "
... Steven Aitchison
" If you do one thing to better yourself every day, imagine where you will be in a year "
... J. Strelou
You have the opportunity for Resources Incomes Activities Events Recreations to make some or dozens of related phone calls, web visits, & follow-ups because . . .
" God helps those that help themselves "
... Tony Robbins
You have the opportunity to
take additional steps because
" Helping Hands are better than Praying Lips "
... Mother Teresa
" It's wild that when you decide you're worth more, the universe starts opening doors to make it a reality. "
... Cory Allen
Understand that " When the going gets tough then the tough gets going "
... successful people everywhere
" Set your intention to manifest the SOLUTION, instead of obsessing over the problem. VISUALIZE THE CURE, don't feed the calamity. "
... Anthon St. Maarten
" The Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step "
... Lao Tzu
" You're off to Great Places ! Today is your day ! Your mountain is waiting, So ... get on your way ! "
... Dr. Seuss